Natalia Godunko - Ball 2001-2002

Natalia has this routine since 2001. The history of the music is very interesting. In 1999 it was used by Tamara Yerofeeva, but Natalia even then liked the music very much. And so in 2001 Deruigins asked her about music, she said with no doubts that it must be Heat Miser from Massive attack.Natasha starts the routine sitting on her knees, ball held on her hand behind back (photo 1). As the music starts, she does turn on her hand with ball (photo 2), then does a roll of body and roll of ball on shoulder-arms, tosses ball between legs. Then goes "sun" movement of legs and so Natasha appears lying on her back. All movements are done very gracefully and slow, what fits the music Photo 1
Photo 2 Natasha does a roll of ball on back-legs (AV 0,1) - photo 3,  and when ball reaches legs, she shuts ball in feet and turns body on 180 degrees and lies on her back and does second roll of ball (legs-trunk) - AV 0,1). After that she stands up, does a tourlent with rond of leg with help from side position to fish position with turn on 360 (TV 0,5) (photo 4 and 5) and stag leap with turn on 180 with back bent. After that she does another combination, which consists of 360 spiral pivot from one leg (0,3), jump from two legs, where she also does roll of ball on shoulder arms (TV 0,2, AV 0,1) and forwards walkover with fixation of position in backscale (0,4)
Photo 3 Photo 4
After that goes pivot combination - 720 pivot with leg high sideways without help (0,3), 360 pivot with sidesplit body parallel to the groun (0,4) and cossack with help and turn. After that she throws ball, does a break dance movement and catches  in legs (av 0,2). Then she gets up from floor, does a tourlent and before doing a leap from 2 legs to sissone with bent back, she beat ball from floor.(photo 7) Then she does some steps and does 360 penche pivot and stag leap with back bent where she throws ball and catches it in backscale (AV 0,2) Photo 5
Photo 6 After that she does 0,3 pivot and cossack leap with turn on 360 (TV 0,5) where she exchanges holding of ball under working leg and illusion backwards. After a chausee goes 0,6 leap combination (2 stag leaps with back bent - 0,3 each). Then Natasha gains score in artistical value by beat of ball in from leg in cossack leap (AV 0,1).Then she throws ball in arch leap below leg (AV 0,1) and catches it with straight roll on body. After that goes  tourlent on 360 with trunk parallel to the floor, jump from 2 legs with turn on 360  and penche fllexibility. Then she throws ball again and catches it in with hand in backbent. 
Then goes 0,3 stag leap, 0,3 balance with roll of ball and 0,4 stag leap with turn on 180, where she throws ball from working leg and catches it on hands without eye control. Finish positions maybe different (photo 7,8 and 9) Photo 7
Photo 8 Photo 9

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